So, this has been a way cool pday. We went to an awsome little river and ran all over the rocks and stuff. I love this district. At the end, we chilled and I read Mosiah 18. It was beautiful outside, and sometimes I forget how cool it is to be here in Honduras. I submit that this was likely where it really happened... haha.
This week we taught some really cool lessons. One that was pretty cool was one we taught to a guy named Nery. He´s this guy we started teaching because I always saw him and he seemed really nice. He really loves his two boys, and his family is really important to him. He told us that he never really worrid about the afterlife or anything. He just figured that we should live a super positive life, and not worry too much about things like that. I explained to him that he probably will reach a point in his life where he will loose someone close to him, and contemplate if he can live with them again. This week he said that he was with his dad in the hospital before an operation, and he told me that what I had said to him came back, and he realized that if he were to loose his father in this moment, he would want the asurance that he could live with him again. It was really cool to see how the Lord is already preparing the people. He´s really starting to open up. I just really hope he goes to church now.
We have a part member family that we started teaching again (he´s been taught in the past), and he seems like this time he will be ready for baptism. He read the whole panflet for the Restoration, which is rare here. He Understands everything, and I think he´ll get a testimony (or recognize that he already has one). the big thing will be getting him off of the lottery, which he already has a goal to do. The trick in this country is just GETTING THEM TO CHURCH! As you can tell, I´ve been through some frustrating experiences on that front... haha. But I know that the Lord will bless us with success if we just keep moving forward.
I love you all. I pray for you too. Keep praying for me. Thanks so far for all the prayers.
Elder Kent Thalman