(Sarcastically speaking)
Life stinks. Everyone in this new area is too excited about the gospel. They all just want to get baptized. So annoying. They all want me to help them do it. My comp is all cheerful and Mexican, and he only wants to speak to me in English. The seats in church are all cramped because everyone wants to come every Sunday... ugh.
The members keep trying to get us to eat their food, and I'm pretty much have no time to buy and make food myself. The selfish little kids in the USA want in on the cash cow of baptisms here, so they are having to divide the mission now.
I showed up, and a whole family of three wanted my comp and I to go watch them get baptized as well as another young man. Four people.
I want to go home really bad.
Don't write me.
Elder Kent Thalman
;) ;) ;) ;) Oposite Day!
My comps name is Elder Rodas, and he's tight. My comp from my last area, Elder Young is now training. He's soooo cool! I miss him but I know that elder Rodas and I are going to tear it up here in Dos Caminos, zona Merendon. It's way hot though. I'm going to have to use sun screen so I don't repeat what happened in La Lima when I got scorched.
the family is Familia Melgar. they are so great! So pilas. They are really excited to be members and the dad already has the priesthood. they remind me a lot of the first family I baptized, and the branch loves them.
They are planning on building a building here in August and I know that after there's a building, we're for sure gonna be a ward. there is so much priesthood here. There are three missionaries in the field here, and four more leaving really soon. One just got his call this week, so that make five under call. there are like 40 youth, as opossed to the 5 in my last area, and all the young men want to leave and work with us. It's nuts!
I've never seen a branch like this anywhere in the world.
I love and miss you all, and am so proud of my friends who are going on missions!
Elder Thalman