This week I lost my son! Noooo! But
now he´s finishing the training of another elder. He´s so great, and
I´m going to miss Elder Limatu. And... I´m finally a grandpa!!! Elder
Dean is training in the other mission. so happy!
My new companion is my step son because I have to
finish his training... and he has to finish mine. get it? He´s going
to kill me.
The sister are in and settled. I
know that they´re going to do great. One is a gringa who´s training he
comp from the Dominican Republic. They´re cool.
Our investigators are having plenty of problems, but
We´ve got lots to do. While we help the principle ones progress, we
will be finding a lot of news this week.
I can´t go into too many details about the investigators, but hopefully there is good news next week...
I love the mission. Things are hard, but I love the
people here. I love the members, and I truly just want to help these
people. My heart has never ached so much until now for someone else,
but at least I know I´m not heartless. Or maybe it´s the same heart.
God´s just changed it. I testify that He can do just that. Not just
in me, but in every man and woman´s heart, He can change it. We cannot
afford to be so faithless in His ability to transform others. If we
don´t believe that someone can or will change, then we cannot say we
have faith in Christ. So let us love, and let us be kind. Let us help
someone, and may God help us do it.
Elder Thalman