This will be my last words until I enter the MTC on Wednesday, January 4th. To write, please send me mail to the top address until about the 27th of January. Then send it to the Honduras Mission address. I'll be in the Guatemala MTC from then on for six weeks. You can also dearelder me for the whole mission I believe. I will confirm that when I know more, but I'm pretty sure that works for my mission.
I was set apart as full time missionary this evening at 8 at President Bradley's home. My great friend Matt was there to witness, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. The blessings he gave to me were ones that I know were inspired. The Spirit was strong and I'm so grateful for the organized Gospel on the earth today. After being set apart, it finally started to feel real to me. Okay! I'm actually a missionary now. It's for real. Let's do this.
It's not really possible to put into words how I feel right now. I noticed immediately that I suddenly just really wanted to read my scriptures. Specific things became important in my mind, like Alma 13. Sitting down and reading that is on my to do list before I go to sleep tonight. Being a missionary is already pretty cool. I can't even wait to live these next two years.
A word to my parents:
I can't tell you how much of a product I am of you. Did that sentence make sense? That fact is probably why I'm so good at making you mad, and it's also something that I hope will make you proud. I love you both so much, and I wouldn't be anything without you.
To my Sisters:
Pam; you're really my bud. I always felt like if I wanted to just hang out with someone, it was you. You always seemed interested in me, and that always made you more interesting. I love you and your beautiful family.
Challis; I've learned more from you than I'm probably willing to admit. Honestly, you're better than any living human being at making me go crazy, but I really do love you. Your mission was a blessing to me because writing you was a great preparation for me. (sorry for not writing you more Scotty) I will miss you. Love.
Raeanne; Do me a favor and don't marry some dweeb whom I would beat up if not otherwise occupied. :) I know I pick on you a lot, but you're easily one of my best friends. I may not have made it through my last few weeks in the winter my first semester had it not been for you. Thanks for visiting when you could. They were real blessings for me. I love you.
To my Brother:
Scotty; I think we really bonded right before you left for your mission. At that point, I felt like I truly had a relationship with you that was just mine. No one else's. Being so close to you has really helped me mature a ton. Your mission changed my life more than you could even know. I can't even explain it. Watching you marry and start a family has caused me to think about things I would have otherwise never considered. My future wife has you to thank for a lot of things I'm sure. Haha. I love you Scotty.
To my Friends:
You know who you are. If you read this far, then you must really be my friend! :) I've been blessed with more friends than I can even try to list. I love you all so much, and I mean that personally. Many of you have been my role models in so many ways. I love you all more than I have capacity to express.
To my FHE sisters:
This one is special. I don't know what it is about FHE sisters, but they are the best people in the world. I have seldom grown to love anyone so much, so fast. Of all that is angelic, Christ-like, and God-like, you are the epitome thereof. I love you all so much. And since I'm sure you will all be married before I get home, be sure to keep me posted on the world's luckiest gentlemen. ;)
To the world:
The Book of Mormon is true. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He died for my sins, and He died for yours. I love Him.
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