On Tues we had a multi zone conference with Elder Martino of the 70. It was pretty intense. But i felt the Spirit and loved what I learned. I´m learning every day... i don´t really know where to start to be honest.
We didn´t have a ton of time this week to work because we had to travel to so many conferences and meetings and stuff. Tons of bus time. I´ve seen Elder Skousen it seems like every other day, which is cool. I didn´t expect that to happen honestly. I´ll probably see him today cuz it´s p-day and we play soccer with some local kids.
Elder Polendo and I have been getting along just great, and we´re trying to lift the area. I think that if we really get things moving this week (which we will) we will start seeing a rediculous amout of baptisms. I can already tell, this place is white and ripe. Olanchito is a great place, and i love the people.
My Mom asked me if i think Cano only laughs all the time bc of my Spanish. haha. No, he´s laughing even when I´m not talking. And everyone says my accent is super good. Sometimes that stinks, bc i´ll get past hello and some small talk, and they think i´m a native speaker... then i totally loose track of them because they take off. haha.
I´m learning just fine, and i´ve come to some realizations. Yesterday i decided that I´m going to talk a lot more. For those of you who know me well I´m sure you´re all thinking that´s not possible. But I actually kinda shut up my first few days here cuz i had no idea what was happening. but i´ve figured out that when i initiate conversation, i can figure out a lot more. plus, Preach My Gospel says that there is no substitute for speaking with the natives. So that´s what I´ve done the last couple days, and it makes a world of difference. It´s pretty fun.
I don´t feel like I can here an accent anymore. just sounds like they're talking to me like anyone else. that´s the way Spanish is supposed to sound. When they speak to me in English, that´s when i hear the accent.... cuz that´s not how English is supposed to sound. haha.
All the young kids here want me to teach them English, and it seems like quite the comodity. haha.
Sat morning we only had like two hours before traveling the rest of the day for a meeting. We went to a new sector and taught two families with return visits for both! So that´s 10 new investigators!!! In only two hours. It was pretty cool. But I´m more excited about our find last night.
Anna (Cano´s daughter who lives below us) ran up to us from the house saying she had a contact for us. A new family moved in literally two door from our apartment, and they aparently were talking to Anna about how they were looking for a church to attend. They aren´t afiliated with a church currently, and they looking. THAT NEVER HAPPENS. Usually we find goldens here in Honduras, but EVERYONE has a religion already. It was crazy. The dad seemed super receptive, and they are a family of four. I think that my first baptism in Honduras could be a family, which would be perfect. I´m more excited about them than all the rest of our current investigators. I don´t know why. I really felt the Spirit strong when we just contacted their door for like five min last night. So cool.
So, hopefully more exciting news next week. I hope that this update was good for everyone and it answered a mojority of questions. I love and miss you all. I know that this church is true and that Jesus Christ is our Savior!
Les amo, Elder Thalman
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