Greetings Everyone from the greatest mission in the world! We are here, wishing that you all remember us, and continue to let us know, that we may labor with a brighter hope of having friends in two years. As for me, I´m just getting started here, so I´m not too worried about all that. I feel bad for the Elders registering for classes, etc. Chasta.
Saturday we baptized Familia Wilson!!!!! First ever for me, and it was a family. An incredible one! They are unbelievable. All three (and baby Wilson) are all so wonderful. They were not only
super receptive, but ready beyond all belief. We found them, taught them, and baptized them in three weeks. They were confirmed yesterday, and they fit right in at church. Everyone seems to really like them, and Hermano Wilson is always participating in the classes. You´d think this family was born in the Gospel. They truly are a wonder to behold. And there truly is a love that penetrates their home. I am confident that of all the families I will have the opportunity to teach, this one will stand as one of if not the best. I love them so much.

This morning, we got the call. Elder Polendo is being transferred. It was pretty inevitable. However, we all have really mixed feelings. I´m honestly a little excited to work with someone new, but I have a lot of doubts that they will be as good as he was. And He´s worried because Olanchito was his first area, same as me, and this is his first change. He´s not sure what to expect, and will miss it here (as will I when I leave).
However, he´s also a little tired of the area, and excited for the change. Will keep everyone updated on all that happens!
So, speaking of mixed feelings, that seems to have been the theme of the week. We worked hard all week. We had some really stellar days. Others were really awful.
Wednesday morning, we were fasting from the day before as a zone. We were super tired. We went to an excellent family, and the father was still at work unexpectedly, so we just talked with the Mom. There was an elementary school recess behind the house that was super loud, and her own toddler was possessed by a demon, jk. It was the worst lesson we´ve ever taught.
In the end, she gave us back the Book of Mormon we gave her. I couldn´t believe it. That family was baptism ready for sure I thought. I will probably go back, but it was a horrible experience.
Then we were contacting a reference and we got yelled at by some pastor. It was the first time here I was directly persecuted for my religion. Eld. Polendo enjoyed the little 5 min. battle, but I just felt hungry, Spiritually drained, and miserable. We went home, ate, and then slept because we both felt really gross (sick). We did however finish the day, and I´m pretty sure that everything went fine Wednesday in the end.
However, the whole week was not doom and gloom obviously. We worked super, super hard on Friday, and we destroyed our goals. Things were looking awesome. I got to direct a few lessons working on splits with a joven here named Daniel Castro. He´s going to Columbia on his mission reporting on May 2. He´ll be incredible. However, he doesn´t talk much, so I had to take the lead.
We went to find an inactive woman, but instead found her daughter. I didn´t really want to spend much time with her (the last lesson with her wasn´t that great and I didn´t think she was going to progress), so we sat down to teach a quick lesson and split. I felt quickly that she needed lesson three, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Weird. Why would she ever accept baptism if she doesn´t understand authority? Everyone here is already baptized and needs to learn that. We started, and the lesson was really great. She was pretty receptive, and her 11 year old son was perfect.
In the end, we discovered that neither of them were baptized in any church, and they actually accepted in the end. The inactive Mom is also doing much better emotionally after loosing a son, and she seems willing to start coming back to church. We think we can get this whole family coming to church and baptized. How cool! :)We taught another wonderful lesson after that, and I felt great. I´m learning how to act around these people, and how to take the lead with the lessons.
It´s nice to feel a little less side-lines if you know what I mean. The Spanish has its good days and bad, but always improving.
On Sunday we went to pick up a bunch of investigators... and not one was willing or ready to go. Lots had excuses. Some were better than others. I was pretty bummed out. We went to church, and found three people that we didn´t even know at church. I was pretty shocked. One was an acquaintance of Hermano Justo from his work. In the middle of Gospel Doctrines class, she said something incredible. We were talking about the Fall of Adam, and she was talking with the instructor, ´´at the other church I didn´t learn any of this. I´m learning stuff that I´ve always wanted. Usually the pastor just talks and talks about the same stuff.´´
Elder Polendo leaned over and whispered to me, ´´baptismo.´´ Haha.
Afterwards, we were talking to Justo about her. She came to church because she wants a new one and thought ours was pretty. She came with Justo to feel more comfortable. She has a family, but isn´t married to the man (this is normal). She wants her and her family baptized! So this means we need to teach them, get the husband off of drinking, marry them, then baptize them!
Pretty wild. Sometimes you just work and work. It all goes down the drain, and then God just opens up the right door and says, ´´good work. Here it is.´´ I really hope this family follows through.So that´s pretty much the week.
I´m really learning to just love the work. We got all of the numbers this week again (I´m not sure how), but I´m learning that more important is the Spirit of Promise. The Spirit that tells you after you´ve done all you can and it seems like you´ve failed that your works have been consecrated unto God for your welfare, and they are acceptable before Him.
That feeling is what will keep me going til the day I die I think. Because there is nothing else like it.I know that this church is true. That means that I know that it is the kingdom of God on earth today. This gospel is the only thing capable of leading mankind unto salvation through faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I´m learning that this mission is the longest prayer I´ve ever said in my life. haha. This mission is my prayer of repentance. And I feel the love He freely gives me.Let the ´´Amen!´´ sound all our praises again.´´
I bear witness of these truths in the Sanctified name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I love and miss you all. Thank you for your love and prayers. I know they are not unanswered. Please know that I always need them.
¡Les amo mucho! Elder Kent Thalman
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