So, this week has been super cool, and we got to see Romulo get baptized. I´m way pumped, and he´s a great convert. We have another baptism this week of a young man named Gerson. He´s really funny. Already has a great relationship with the rest of the young men, and is memorizing all 13 articles of faith with them in church. He practices on us while we´re there, and I laugh and make fun of him cuz he messes up a lot. I´m a horrible person. But it´s okay; he´s my friend.
My relationship here with the members and the investigators I feel like is better than in any area I´ve ever been. I´m really just learning to get along with people better and to be myself. Sometimes, I think the best advice you can give to a missionary is to just not take yourself too seriously. I figured out early in the mission that sometimes, seriousness is a sign of spiritual immaturity.
Gustavo is one of my best friends here. He reactivated in December after years of innactivity. I called him on Saturday and told him that Romulo was getting baptized. He just responded really positively and excited because he knows Romulo (he was one of our main member fellow shippers in Romulo´s visits). He said that he would come to the service. I then asked him if he would do the baptism... silence. haha. Then he chuckled a bit and said yes, very nervously. It was his first time ever baptizing someone. I was pumped for him. We get there, and the zone leaders had a baptism at the same time. I did the interview for their investigator, and then we started getting ready for the service. Then they go up to Gustavo and ask if he can baptize their investigator as well as ours. No big deal right... but here´s the catch. This guy only had ONE ARM! haha. And he was big too. Poor Gustavo. He´s a short, skinny guy. And he had no experience. hahahaha. But in the end, he only had to repeat the ordinance one time. ;P.
Things continue to move forward. I love you all, and am grateful for you prayers and emails! Written letters are always appreciated as well, if you ever feel like taking the time. Somewhat slower, but they pretty much always get to me... I think. haha.
Elder Thalman

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