This week was full of miracles. Yesterday after church we, my comp. and I, were both just full of the Spirit. We found ten newbies and all of them accepted baptism in the first visit. I don´t know what the difference was, but for some reason just asking God for charity seems to be finally working. I felt a great love for these people yesterday, and they all seemed to understand the simple concept of pray to know, then act on the response. If the answer is yes, get baptized. It was awesome.
We found three jovenes a couple days ago. We explained to them the Book of Mormon and put an appointment. Yesterday we found the three in the same place, and then their friends all started showing up. Everyone seemed at least a little interested in the message. We started to get to know them, and soon we had ourselves a formidable crowd. I felt really impressed to take advantage of the fact that we had them all really focused and explain the Restoration. We started like normal, but they were all sitting on a wall, and we were standing, basically preaching to them. It was really cool, and the Spirit was strong. We challenged them to baptism and put return visits with them all. I felt like Dan Jones!
Juan and Bessy are going to get there. We´re just being patient, but they are so ready. They both went to church, and loved it. They are so cool. Their little boy is the best too! He´s so funny.
Pedro and Guillermina still don´t get the need to be baptized, but they´re going to church and asking if it´s all true. But she can´t read and he´s just not doing it. But we´re going to have the members assigned this week to do that with them. It´s the really lack honestly. (?)
Our recent convert Iris got kicked out of her house for being baptized. Tragic. She lives with a totally bi-polar mom, so she´s going to live with her grandparents I think. It´s a little in the air still, but she went to church and her little boy (2) was a stud in his shirt and tie. haha. He seemed better behaved dressed that way. Note to self for when I have kids...
I really can´t write everything, but things are moving forward here, and the members feel it. I love and thank you all for letters and love.
Elder Thalman

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