Thursday, February 16, 2012

As I Have Loved You

So, only a little more than two weeks left! Not that I don't want to be here. I love the MTC and my companions/district. However, I'm getting itchy to get to the field. The Tegucigalpa temple in Honduras will be dedicated in July, and I pray that I get to go. It's not actually in my mission boundaries, but who knows. I've seen pictures, and it looks so awesome!

So there have been a couple of unexpected events. My quartet tried out for a special musical number in a devotional two Thurs. ago and received no word. We assumed that we didn't get anything. Then last Thurs we were asked to sing in the Sunday devotional! It was so cool. We did "Lord, I Would Follow Thee" for about 2,200 missionaries. What an audience. I don't think I have ever sung a better song with such amazing men for such a chosen group (or to so large a group). What a blessing. I love the Lord so much and I am thankful for such an opportunity.

Right after the devotional, Elder Harris got on a shuttle and was off to Costa Rica. What a cool way to say goodbye to the MTC. I love Elder Harris, Elder Pickett, and Elder Dahlberg. they're all off to their respective missions now speaking the beautiful Spanish language. The devotional was by Richard Heaton. I loved what he spoke about. He talked about how important it is to invite people to come to church. It is one of three things necessary for baptism; Pray, reading the Book of Mormon, and attending church.
Afterwards, we watched the Christmas devotional given by Elder David A. Bednar from this last Christmas at the MTC. I hadn't been around during Christmas, so it was a blessing to get to see it. He spoke about the Character of Christ. He focused on the natural man and how he will destroy our missions. Basically, the natural man is anything inside you that makes you turn inward for selfish reasons. He spoke how Christ is the opposite; always He would turn outwards. He spoke about how after fasting for 40 days, Satan tempted Christ. After this whole ordeals which is in Matthew 4: 2-12, Chist learns from the Spirit that John the Baptist was in prison. Then He sent angels to minister to John. When Christ was suffering in the Garden, He was totally alone. Not even the disciples could stay awake with Him. Eventually, the guards came.

Obviously after suffering for the sins and pains of all mankind, He was terrible grieved. But He still took the time to heal the ear of the man attacked by Peter. This was such a minor pain compared to what He had just undergone, but He still turned outward. He cared more for others than He did for Himself. Then when He was DYING on the cross, He asked God to forgive the Roman soldiers, "for they [knew] not what they [did]."
He made sure that His mother Mary what taken care of when He told John, "behold, thy mother." IN ADDITION to all this, He was doing missionary work to the two men dying on each side of Him. He was the perfect opposite of the natural man. He set all selfishness aside to do the will of the Father in all things, even unto death. Jesus truly was and is the Christ, the Savior of the world.
Elder Bednar shared an example of a woman who showed these qualities.
He received a call at 5am from a mother in his stake asking him to come down and identify three bodies of girls who had just been in a terrible accident. One of the three was this woman's daughter. One was dead. Because of their terrible conditions, they couldn't be recognized. Elder Bednar could overhear a conversation going on between this woman and an emergency specialist. He could hear the woman being told on the other line, "we have a positive confirmation; the deceased girl is your daughter." With out hesitation, this woman returned to Elder Bednar, "never mind. We now need to let the other two parents of these girls know what has happened." He couldn't believe his ears. In this terrible time of personal tragedy, she had turned outward immediately.
Then he learned that before the daughter's funeral, this woman received a phone call from another woman. This other woman didn't know the situation of this young mother (who was also a relief society pres) and chewed her out for not sending someone to make her a meal because she was sick.
Without a second word, on the way to her own daughter's funeral, she dropped off a meal to this less than deserving or understanding woman. What meekness. When Elder Bednar was at the funeral, the woman approached him.
"I know that the last image you saw of my daughter was tragic. While we know that the circumstances don't allow us to have an open casket service, the funeral home workers have done a wonderful job at restoring her. I would like you to see her this way before they close it."
She cared at that moment about someone else once again. She didn't want him to have a horrific image in his mind, and sought to heal any pain HE had, while undergoing what was likely the greatest pain she had ever experienced.
This is truly a beautiful example of someone who has taken on them the Character of Christ.

I love this mission that the Lord has given me. You'll here from me two more times, then you'll be getting updates form Honduras! My life is blessed more than I can express. I love my Father in Heaven and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love my family.
Les Amo, Elder Kent Thalman

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