Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Invisible Hand and the Spirit of Promise

Well, this week has been really awesome. We baptized Karina Sat!!! and we had 50 people in the room. Incredible! And a lot of investigators too. She´s an awesome member already, and I can see the change in her eyes. This Gospel truly changes people. I love it so much. There´s pretty much no better feeling than seeing the Spirit of the Lord truly enter into the life of another person and change their world. She´s so at peace and happy. I love it. I will never leave behind a single convert here. I love them all so much. I´ve even come to love some of the recent converts that were baptized before I even got here. Love them all!

So, I hope the title doesn´t sound like a science fiction thing. Haha. this week, we realized that there are some things here that we can do to improve the work. We´re pretty much out of good investigators and now we´re looking for more. Some are progressing well, but for the most part, we feel like we can do better. It hit us that we need to put the focus way heavier on FAMILIES. That´s where the gospel needs to take effect. We made a goal to get families, and the left. EVERYTHING yesterday fell through. I looked at my comp and said, "mk, let´s get a new family." We went to visit Karina, and she gave us three families to go contact with recent babies. She´s awesome!!! Then we left. I saw a young guy, and the first thing that came to my mind was the word "priesthood!" haha. I contacted him, and he was really cool. We walked with him to his house and now we are teaching a new family! the Hand of God is truly moving this work. The Spirit of God inspires. I love this. Love it all!

I love this mission as always. Can´t believe now it´s a third gone! NOOO! I found out that they already opened my last area. I´m so grateful. I´m still writing some people there, and I hope it keeps growing. They put Sisters! Way better...

Os amo mucho,

Elder Kent Thaman

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